(Dis)cordes travelogue

original title (Dis)cordes, carnet de voyage
client Sens Dessus Dessous circus company 2015 Work published with the support of the Beaumarchais-SACD association
project Illustrations of the cover and inner pages, about 70 of them (as well as the graphic creation and production of the book as graphic designer)
technique India Ink
texts Roger Wallet
publisher Petit Véhicule
specifics 210 x 210 mm 100 pages
to see my work as graphic designer >>> agnesboulmer.com

The author Roger Wallet and I were invited to follow the creation of the circus show (Dis)cordes and for each of us to provide our free vision of it, texts and drawings then being brought together in a book.
I draw the different tryouts of numbers, the fabrication and trying-on of the costumes, the preparation of the apparatus… going right up to the rehearsals.